Our support.
Welcome to the support page for the Bidiful platform, ahead of you there are various options to assist your use of the system, all of which are being updated regularly as the system develops.
We know you might prefer to talk to someone about how to use the system or you might prefer to look things up in your own time, either way we are available when you need us via:-
Landline phone 0208 0048766
Email: - hello@bidiful.com
Chat window (Bottom right of your screen)
Support Videos - Hosted on youtube, embedded below
Downloadable user guides in PDF format - see buttons below videos
Frequently asked questions - regularly updated and expanded
Social media channels - see shortcuts on the 'contact us' page
Form - see fields on the 'contact us' page
Mail - see address on the 'contact us' page

Primary User / Admin User Guide Video (The Buyer)
Collaborator / Bidder User Guide (The Seller)
Downloadable PDF Guides
Primary User / Admin User Guide (The Buyer)
These downloadable documents are the PDF versions of the user guides, in addition to allowing you to download and save, we recommend saving them in your document repository on the portal too, that way you can include collaborator user instructions or Bidiful contact info as part of the documentation you issue to your partners.
Collaborator / Bidder User Guide (The Seller)
Support / Contact Bidiful Cutsheet

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q's)
"How do I login?"
If you have subscribed and are awaiting your login details please bear with us as we will be setting these up and they should be with you in under 24 hours, automated access is presently being developed and should be live soon. If you are a bidder who has been invited to a project you should have a login username and password via email from your buyer contact.
Note - The Bidiful application is not hosted here, you should have received a URL link from your buyer contact with their dedicated link.
"Where can I get help?"
If you are having technical difficulties with the Bidiful application and its core functions then please contact us via email, phone or online chat, If you are a bidder struggling with any elements of a tender to which you have been invited, please contact your buyer contact to discuss.
"I cannot upload a file"
Please note that there is a maximum file limit of 175 MB per file you upload, if you are attempting to upload large documents in print quality then we would recommend reducing file sizes as much as possible. In addition there are only certain file-types permitted on the system, if you are struggling with this element then please place files into a Zip folder and try to upload again.
"I still cannot upload a file"
Please check that your invitation to respond has not expired, there is a fixed lock on the bidding portal upload function which activates when a project expires. The buyer sets up these submission restrictions as part of the tender building process and you should contact them to discuss, The buyer will also nominate whether a file requires a response or not, if this has not been set to 'response required' it will not show up with an option for you to upload a document, again please liaise with you buyer contact for queries of this nature.
"I haven't received e-mail notifications"
Whether you are a buyer or a bidder the system will email you with periodic notifications for certain reasons, if you are not receiving these emails then please check your junk or spam folders. If these are still not working then we would advise that the buyer checks the e-mail addresses are correct in their account and if the issue persists please contact us.
"Why can I not see a project I have been invited to bid on?"
As part of the tender production process a buyer will 'add companies' to their portal, at this stage the nominated company contact will get an e-mail notification informing them of their invitation to the portal, this email will contain the login details also (which are also set by the buyer admin). However this is only the access to the system and the buyer may still be producing their tender in the background, there will be additional e-mails when the tender has been issued to you. If you are still struggling to see the information you need, please check that you are on the correct portal as this may differ from time to time, it is not uncommon for bidding companies to have multiple logins as a result of this and at present these cannot be combined for security purposes.